Jun 4Liked by Petra Hernandez

Happy late birthday! This was lovely to read. I am also enjoying the advent of gray hairs and a little more patience that comes with passing time. I think my favorite part of getting older at the moment is getting a better idea of who I am and what works for me. Silly things, like knowing which toothpaste I like and which star trek glass goes with which type of day, and also bigger things like how I want to show up in the world. 😊

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Thank you, Holly! :) And yes, getting to know ourselves and what works for us is such a cool part of getting older. That, and for me, being brave enough to say it/ask for it/do it/go after it.

Also, now I'm curious which Star Trek glass goes with which type of day? And which Star Trek? One, some, all? 😀

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Jun 6Liked by Petra Hernandez

Yes! Discovering that courage to ask for/go for want we want and need is a beautiful part of getting older for sure!

So my set of Star Trek glasses--I think they were originally from Burger King?-- are from the 2009 movie. (Anathema to true fans, but it was my introduction to the franchise and holds lots of nostalgia.) So the Spock glass is for days I'm feeling reasonable, the Nero glass for emotional days, and Kirk for confident/impulsive days. 😊

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Love your approach to glass use! 😀 And I'm always a big fan of people connecting to whichever series, movie, etc, that brings them joy. :) 🛸

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Happy belated Birthday - may the new year be full of many more happy pictures, happy moments and milestones towards your goal. ❤️

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Thank you for the wonderful birthday wishes, Diana! 😊

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Happy birthday, Petra! I can’t believe I wasn’t a subscriber but now I am. I love this piece about paying attention, taking the same walk each day and it shifts from day to day. I believe Mary Oliver did that and look what she created. I recently had some photos taken to use on my poetry book coming out next year and could definitely see my wrinkles. At first I thought these need to be smoothed out, but the photographer who’s a friend said your wrinkles are beautiful. So I decided to keep them because I’ve earned each one.

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Thank you, LeeAnne! And thank you for subscribing! Great to have you as part of this online community. 😀

I didn't know that about Mary Oliver, but it is very good company to be in so I'll take it. :)

And hooray for embracing your wrinkles! And such a good photographer/friend to notice and mention the beauty in being human.

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Jun 1Liked by Petra Hernandez

It seems you're treading lightly but confidently towards your goals, Petra. Happy birthday!!!

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Thank you, Fotini! And yes, I love the way you worded that. That's exactly what it feels like right now. :)

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