You’re Invited To Come On A Poetry Adventure!
I’ve hosted February Poetry Adventure the last three years. (Last year being the first year on Substack.) It’s an invitation to write a poem a day, to let go of our inner critic, to reach out for connection, and to explore what might show up. And we start our fourth adventure in just two weeks.
For February Poetry Adventure we aim to write one poem a day for the month of February. Why February? Because it’s (usually) only twenty-eight days long. And, because it’s grey and depressing and I need a reason to feel like February isn’t just a blah month.
This writing adventure means a lot to me because it showed up at just the right time in my life. So, too, have all the people who’ve joined me on the journey. And I hope this writing adventure finds you just when you need it as well.
Amazingly, I’ve Stuck With It
Four years ago, on a whim, I wanted to do something that allowed me to share my writing and would create some connection while I was still social distancing. And, for some reason, I came up with the idea of writing a poem a day for the month of February. And posting them on Instagram. And asking others to join in as well.
I honestly have no idea why I thought I would be able to write a poem a day. I’m not a committed poet. I dabble. And I definitely was very doubtful that anyone else would join in. I hoped, but I doubted. I should also say that I have a mixed track record of following through on random ideas, so I even doubted that I myself would follow through. But I did. And so did a few other brave people. And it was amazing! And then I hosted it again and again.
Last year I decided to bring the adventure to Substack, again unsure if anyone would join in. Little did I know just how much people on Substack love poetry. It was a revelation. And, it was a beautiful space for community. I made several Substack friends during that month of poetry. (
, , and , to mention just a few.) I read beautiful poems. And I even wrote a few poems I was pretty happy with. It was, for me, a resounding success and a beautiful month.I’m looking forward to it again this year because each February I learn something new. I learn what I’m comfortable sharing and what I want to keep private. I learn how far I can push an idea. How much I can stretch my own style. I also continue to discover what my own personal writing style is. And most importantly for me, I’m reminded that the simple yet extremely difficult act of showing up is all that is required to create, to learn, to explore, and to practice acceptance.
This time of year is difficult for me. Maybe it’s a sadness-of-past-traumas hangover, maybe it’s the grey weather, maybe it’s the overwhelm of things I don’t want to face (or don’t feel ready to face) in the upcoming new year. But this month of poetry has become a light. A bright spot. A moment to breathe. An invitation to sit with art, to be with Adam, to explore my thoughts, feelings, memories, and secrets. And for me, that’s what poetry is for.
I’d love for you to join!
February Poetry Adventure is about embracing exploration, imperfection, and creation. About allowing the muses to tickle our brains, souls, and hearts. It’s about having fun. Inviting the muses in every day. Giving them space to play. It’s about playing at poe-ing even if we don’t think ourselves poets. It’s about playing as poets when we know we can poe. 😉 It’s about having a cuppa and a biscuit, or coffee and a donut, and sitting with our soul. It’s also about connecting with other brave poetry adventurers and supporting each other in this art called poetry and this thing called life. It’s about watching other brave people show up, courageously sharing their hearts on paper, and giving them a big virtual hug and huzzah. And then, experiencing that ourselves.
So here’s how it works:
I will post a Note every day with the optional prompt. I will also have a post here, on Petra Glyphs, that I will update with the prompts each day.
Write a poem. Whatever kind you like. It doesn’t have to match anyone else’s definition of what a poem is. One line, three, twenty, whatever. Rhyme, or not. Serious or goofy. Let yourself play.
You can absolutely keep the poem to yourself. You have still succeeded in your adventure!
Or you can share your poem (or a link to it) in a comment on the daily corresponding prompt Note. (I can’t wait to see what you all create!)
You can even miss a day! Or two, or ten, and still pop back in. Adventures have pit-stops. Do what is right for you. 😀 (And feel free to join in at any point along the Adventure.)
As far as community guidelines, I simply ask that if you choose to share a poem, please keep it free from hate speech and excessive violence. (This is the one firm guideline.) Otherwise, let’s leave room for each of us to have our own viewpoints, our own experiences, and most of all, lead with respect and understanding that we are each on our own journey.
Cheer People On
To me the community of February Poetry Adventure is just as important as the art of poetry. So, whether you share poems or not, I’d love if you’d hop into the comments section of the daily Note and give people some love and encouragement.
It’s On Instagram, Too
If you want to participate on Instagram as well, you can use #FebruaryPoetryAdventure to add your poems to the small, but growing collection. (Most of the poems over the last three years are posted by private accounts, but you’ll find a few publicly posted poems.) And you can find me @Petraglyphs there, too.
Let’s Adventure!
Get your snacks ready, prepare your beverages, and grab your favorite pen and notebook because we’re almost ready to explore. I can’t wait to see what we all come up with. (Feel free to drop any questions in the comments section and to share this with people you think would enjoy coming on the adventure as well. 😀) And watch for the first prompt word on Saturday, February 1, 2025.
Love you, Petra ❤️
P.S. I’ll be sharing the playlist Adam and I listen to every February Poetry Adventure (as we sit in our car at the park and write poems) in my upcoming January newsletter.
P.P.S. You can find last year’s prompt list and links to poems here.
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I love hearing your thoughts and comments on these posts. As always, this means I’m trusting you the reader to give me the benefit of the doubt if I say something weird, or create space for something which doesn’t align with what you think or where you are in your journey, just as I’ll do for you. And please extend the same courtesy to fellow commenters. This is a space to respect each other and the fact that being human is both amazingly beautiful and fucking complicated. Thank you for your respect.
I love the sound of this x
Sounds marvellous Petra x